Tuesday, January 11, 2011

[February Congregationalist]

"To love someone is to reveal to them their capacities for life, the light that is shining in them." -Jean Vanier

You see, Jean Vanier knows what it's like to reveal to others the light that shines from within. Vanier is the founder of L'Arche, an international organization dedicated to the creation and growth of homes, programs, and support networks with people who have intellectual/learning disabilities. His organization strives daily to light the candles within those whose flames are snuffed out everyday by society. Simply put, Vanier understands.
And now I too understand. When I read this quote it hit me like a ton of bricks: this is my purpose. I am at My Friend's Place to help the youth recognize the willpower and strength they have within themselves to build a self-sufficient life; to help them recognize that there is more to life than doing drugs and living on the streets; to give them the tools needed to pull themselves up out of the ditch and get back on the road; to build up their confidence so they can go boldly into the world knowing that their life matters; to help them be the person God is calling them to be.
I can't count the number of times my parents said, "We only want the best for you," or "We know you can do it." (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Between the dance classes, sports camps, mission trips, summer programs, experiences abroad, and everlasting support given to me by my parents, I have had such rich opportunities and each one lent itself to helping me search for my inner light. However, not everyone is as fortunate as I to have parents who love you and care about you.
Most of these youth have never had a sense of support in their life. As a matter of fact, many of them have been kicked out because their parents simply didn't care about them. Can you imagine growing up feeling as though your life meant nothing to the person to whom it should mean the most? This is why My Friend's Place exists. We provide that support, those resources, that sense of confidence in each of the 80-100 youth that walk through our doors during any given day. Our mission is to help youth build a self-sufficient life. To use the words of Vanier, we are revealing to them their capacities for a much better life. I see hope in the eyes of these young people everyday, and it is upon that hope I stand and advocate for each of them. Their lives matter just as much as the next person and that is something of which I am convinced.
Who do you love? What capacity do you wish to reveal about the people you love? What flames have not yet been lit? Who do you love so much to perhaps even let go of them so their light can shine? What flames need to be lit within you? Who can you identify to help you with that....besides God?

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