Saturday, September 29, 2012


One of my new favorite poems discovered today...
Writing Lessons (by Nikki Giovanni, Blues for all the Changes)

There are... still... so many books I want to read... and reread...

There are...still... so many places I want to travel... to...

There are... still... foods I want to eat... and drinks I want to sample...

There are... blankets to lie upon or under...

There are... pillows upon which to prop my books or my head...

I definitely want to rocket to outer space... I also want to explore inner space...

I know no one ever wished they had been meaner...

Or hated more...

Or spent more hours away from people they loved...

I know that life is interesting and you can never go wrong Being interested

If I were giving advice I would say: Sing
    People who sing to themselves
    People who make variations on songs they know
    People who teach songs to other people
    These are the people other people want to be with

and that will let you be a good writer

There are... still... so many ideas to conceive

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

.unpacking the God box.

The (current) predominant perception of God suggests that God is:
  • Omniscient (all-knowing)
  • Omnipotent (all-powerful)
  • Impassable
  • Eternal
  • Immutable (unchanging)
This theory (called "classical theism") originated in the theology of Augustine (~4th c.) and has been expounded on by theologians and pastors ever since.

Let's get something clear: 
This perception has really messed up people
[and people's understanding of who God is]
With that in mind, know this:
Just because it was espoused by a single person 
and then talked about like it was absolutely True, 
doesn’t mean it has to be the Truth. 

Think about it. 
Who is God to you?