Wednesday, December 22, 2010

[double rainbow]

This is what we (both staff and clients) saw at 4:15 at work today:

I think it speaks for itself...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The hardest decision I had to make on Wednesday was which kind of whipped cream to buy...
May God be with those whose life are dependent upon their decisions.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

[Bird and the Bee]

I saw this band...

at this venue..

Thank you Kat :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


A while back I read an article that talked about a business/marketing head honcho who approached a homeless person that was panhandling on the side of the freeway. The homeless guy was holding a sign that said something to the effect of "Homeless. Hungry. Please help." The business man found a new piece of cardboard and a sharpie and wrote on it: "What if you were homeless?" He gave the sign to the homeless man who then had a great influx of cash/food.
I told this story to a client today and we changed his sign to say the same. He was willing to be my guinea pig.
Hopefully it works.


Here's my January Congregationalist Article!

“Behold, for I bring you good news of great joy!” And no, I’m not talking about Jesus. The great news I bring you, in case you have not heard, is that a few weeks ago I was accepted to the Masters of Divinity program at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA. The wait is finally over!! I can suspect that my feelings of relief and certainty that have come from finally deciding on a school (and being accepted for that matter) are similar to what everyone was feeling when Jesus was born. You know? I mean, all this anticipation and build up for Jesus’ birth and finally when he arrived, angels were singing Gloria’s, Shepherds were praising God, and Mary had made it through the birthing process. (I’m sure she was more relieved than anyone!!) As for me, my three year process of researching and visiting schools has come to an end and let me tell you, I have been listening to the Hallelujah Chorus, as played by Mannheim Steamroller, over and over. (Check out my blog for a cool video of it!)

I visited PSR in October for a prospective student weekend called the “Ministry As Vocation Conference.” After that weekend I knew, without a doubt, that God was calling me to PSR. I met some incredible students and wonderful faculty, experienced the campus life as well as their worship services, and at the end of the day, I loved it. Over the past three years I have been searching for a seminary that gave me the warm fuzzies but instead (and even better) I found the first seminary that made me feel at home. Their classes are interesting, their community life is strong, their spirituality is evident in all things, and they strive for peace and justice at every turn. The campus is gorgeous and they are located on “Holy Hill” in Berkeley which has beautiful views of the Bay Area.

It’s no Baby Jesus but it is certainly exciting news in my world. Thank you all for your support through this long process. I am surrounded by “so great a cloud of witnesses” and for that, I praise God. For more of my thoughts on PSR, check out my blog. For more info on PSR, visit their website If you have questions for me, do not hesitate to call/email. You have my information!

Peace, love and all things good,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


here's to getting into PSR....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


For those of you who don't know (although, I've been proclaiming it proudly) I was accepted to the Masters of Divinity program at the Pacific School of Religion (PSR) in Berkeley, California. I received my letter and paperwork last Saturday and filled it out immediately. My desire to go to PSR is no secret.
I was accepted to seminary... GRAD SCHOOL. I am going to grad school next fall. How did that happen?
All that hullabaloo to say that I have more than anyone could ask for. Not because I have an education to continue and a degree to attain, but because when I received that letter, a flood of people came to mind... people I needed to call or text or email to let them know that I had officially been accepted. Family, friends, pastors, church folk, mentors, professors, co-workers. And the best part was the reaction of my housemates... at one point, they almost seemed more excited than I. Let's just say my cup was overflowing with love and support and excitement.
It didn't take much to make me realize that living this JVC life is interesting because while I am living "simply" and "with the least of these" and "on limited funds" I have a support system wider than I could ever ask for and for that I am thankful. I am thankful because I had people to call and those people were excited for me. When my clients get into school, or transitional housing, or a drug rehab program, for that matter, the people they get to tell are the Case Managers and Staff at My Friend's Place.
Can you just imagine?
I have so taken for granted the people in my life... and to you all, I apologize. I am "surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses." Thank you. My love goes out to all of you over and over again.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.