Sunday, May 23, 2010

*No Man Is an Island* Conscience [and Pentecost]

Instead of going on and on about each chapter as I go, I'm changing my method... I'll pick one, maybe two things and instead of me discussing it at length, offer it up as food for thought for both myself and you...
"Conscience is the face of the soul... and the light by which we interpret the will of God in our own lives" (30-31). --Merton
Our conscience is what drives our doing... it drives our actions... the Holy Spirit is the fire that sets spark to our conscience. God's will for our life is discovered through our discernment before and in the presence of God. We are all called to action in other people's lives, in our own lives and on the behalf of the voiceless.... but we do not know that will of God without prayer... without the Holy Spirit. Today is Pentecost... the day the Holy Spirit swept through the masses creating a bewildering phenomena. Some say that day started the church as we know it today, but while we know community was God's idea from the get-go, we can understand Pentecost as a day in which our fires are ignited once again. A day in which our hearts are burning to hear the truth of the Gospel... the truth of freedom... the truth of liberation. Our hearts are liberated and turned to hear what God wills for our lives. Read the face of your soul... interpret the will of God in your life.
What is God calling you to this day?
How has the Holy Spirit moved you?
What does Pentecost mean to you?

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