Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Let us ask God to make us true in our love, to make us sacrificial beings, for it seems to me that sacrifice is only love put into action." --Elizabeth of the Trinity
And I can't help but ask... Jesus said in Matthew 9:13: "I desire mercy not sacrifice."
I struggle with sacrifice a lot... that is, figuring out how to be empathetic and stand in solidarity when you're not considered one of the least of these. To me the question is always: How far am I supposed to take this? How much sacrifice am I really supposed to participate in?
Of course, when it comes to Jesus' words, I always feel as though literal action/interpretation is necessary. But is it? Particularly as I am placed in this current context of being a Protestant in a very Catholic organization... (and, while seemingly liberal Catholics, still very much about the sacrifice of Christ and therefore the sacrifice of our personal bodies/minds/spirits).
So I don't know what to do with it. I was told the other day: "Jesus died on the cross so we don't have to." Ok, thats mercy..not... sacrifice. That makes sense.
Is mercy sacrifice in itself? One definition of mercy is "the feeling that motivates compassion." So because i am a person of faith, i am merciful and because I feel mercy, I become compassionate... but someone can be compassionate without taking action, right? So is that where sacrifice comes in? We sacrifice of ourselves because we are compassionate? Last time I checked compassion was an "awareness" type of feeling.
This is really disjointed and it feels like a chicken/egg/who came first conversation.
I invite your thoughts..... please.


Jes said...

Questions are an integral part of my life blood.
I do not have responses at this time
but instead,
perhaps space to wonder with you.

Sacrifice is a loaded term,
layered with old religious baggage.
As a woman I am cautious of it.
As a woman who moves to service in integration, I am even more cautious of it.
because sometimes sacrifice is not something
I chose.
Cautious does not mean rejection.
Cautious does not mean disagreement.
Cautious instead means trying to find truth
in honoring myself
and honoring the community.
Somehow, in between, there is a sacrifice made.

So what is the sacrifice for? Why must one sacrifice?
Perhaps to remember the world does not revolve around me
and yet
i am apart
of the world.
Ubuntu, as they say in South Africa.

First thoughts and wonderings.


Jes said...

apart is supposed to be "a part" big difference :)