Monday, April 27, 2009

~Finding God::15~

I have a book entitled "1001 Things to Make You Happy." I lend it out to my friends when they've hit a rough patch and need a pick me up. But most of the time it sits on my shelf waiting for a crappy day to come along so it can be held with angst or tears in an effort to make someones day a little brighter.

Well, I have a little time on my hands so I thought I would make a list of the things that make me happy/smile. Hopefully this will be a work in progress as I'm sure I will think of things I omitted tonight and will also come upon new developments.

+ Listening to Norah Jones and stretching. (Odd combo, i know, but soothing, nonetheless.)
+ Peach Rings and Chocolate Fish (Although I do need to cut down my sugar intake...)
+ Getting out of class early on a sunny day.
+ Creative worship services
+ Feeling accomplished
+ Easter
+ ...and for that matter Good Friday and Ash Wednesday
+ The feeling after a good workout
+ Fruit markets
+ blogging/journaling (my mom thinks I should be a writer. Writing is different than these -ings)
+ BOOKS. I'm not a good reader, but I could sit in B&N or Borders (You can find me in either the religious or history sections if you need me.)
+ The feeling of home even when I am not.
+ Certain people
+ The prospect that I can help change the world
+ My family, despite their oddities:)
+ Having theological conversations with my theological friends. (And my non-theologically minded friends as well... but the former just gives me a fuzzy feeling.)
+ First Congregational Church, Battle Creek (FCCBC)
+ Seeing other people succeed after a long struggle
+ (and now for something completely different........) Richard Gere (He's my old man crush!)
+ Historical Fiction movies, despite the quality of acting (e.g. National Treasure; Night at the Museum)
+ My best friend in the whole wide world
+ SYI and all it involves
+ My friends here in NZ
+ NEW ZEALAND in general
+ My mentors in all their various forms and locations
+ Having conversations in which I'm forced to think about things I've never thought about before
+ Christian Century Magazine
+ Elmhurst College and all its accessories (friends, orgs, people, classes, professors, faculty)
+ Writing sermons
+ New Zealand Meat Pies
+ Participating in activities which promote social justice in the community and world
+ Being helpful
+ Road trips
+ Mission trips
+ Fellowship
+ Summer time
+ Golf (particularly EC golf [season, team, hotel nights])
+ Inside jokes
+ Massive amounts of laughter
+ Potato Wedges Day at Waikato
+ Realizing that life is beautiful

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