Thursday, June 11, 2009

~Finding God::21~

Someday ... or Now?

Clarence Jordan

You can't come face-to-face with the kingdom of God and respond, "I like this idea of the God Movement, but you know, I got a spouse and some children. I gotta raise them, and let me get them up out of the way and off to college and get them through college and let me get my house paid for and all these things. And then, when I get free from all these obligations, I think it'd be nice to retire into the kingdom of God."

Jesus said, "The kingdom of God just isn't an old folks home. You don't retire into it. I want you to get busy NOW."

This quote from Inward/Outward excites me and scolds me all in the same breath. I love it because it helps us realize the immediacy of the Kingdom of God here on earth. It helps me re-focus and realize why I'm here. Of course school is important, but I need to ask myself everyday, "How did I help build the Kingdom of God today?" I keep saying, "Oh, I'll keep trying, but I'll really get on the bandwagon once I'm done with college and living my own life during my volunteer year and beyond." But no, I need to start NOW.


Jennifer said...

That's a kick in the pants for me too...

passionatesole said...

It's from the Cotton Patch Parables... i want it... its like the message only with Southern twang and jargon... Leah has the Cotton Patch gospels... it's wonderful.