Friday, May 14, 2010

10 things they never told me about Jesus|| Giggling for God

Think about it: how often to we find laughter in the Bible?
Well, it is one of the first things we experience in Genesis when God tells Abraham and Sarah they are going to bear a child. I mean, it isn't like God told them as a joke, but it would be funny. People would laugh at that today, too. So then we ask the question, did Jesus laugh? Well, we're positive he must have, right? I mean, I'm sure when his mother held him when he was a baby and she made a funny face or something he laughed... and I'm sure when he was playing with neighborhood kids they laughed... and I would even bet that someone told him joke or he even told jokes and they just didn't make it into the gospels... right? I mean, it must have happened... We don't have biblical proof for a lot of things, but this is one I can bet to say is true.
Laughter is something that doesn't necessarily cross cultural or language boundaries... for example, were I to say a pun, or something that is typical of Americans, someone from New Zealand or England, might not get it, even though we speak the same language.... and someone from Russia just wouldn't get it because they don't speak English.. so it is doubtful Jesus joked with the Samaritans or Syrophonecians... or any other person that wasn't from his area. This kind of 'in-humor" makes it tricky...
One author suggests that of course there must be humor, because that would go along with the purpose of the gospel-- to give believers life and life to the fullest. We cannot live life without laughter, so it must have happened... Maybe it is our job to read humor into the gospel appropriately. Humor in itself is holy, I believe. Maya Angelou once said:
Laugh as often as possible. You must. Because the world will offer you every reason to weep. So as often as possible, you laugh. That, I think, is part of the Great Love.
I think she's spot on. "I have come that my joy may be in you, and your joy complete" (John 15:11).

1 comment:

allyvertigan said...

"God can be funny.."