Friday, July 23, 2010

love and journey

I received a lot of love on my birthday. And to say "a lot" would be an understatement. I felt so much love that I felt overwhelmed. Significantly overwhelmed. My tears were not of sadness, but of profound adoration for those who love me so and for those whom I love dearly. I received a lot of cards on my birthday since everyone at church knew.. and below is a poem someone quoted in a card to me.
These are the gifts I ask of thee, Spirit serene;
Strength for the daily task,
Courage to face the road.
Good cheer to help me
bear the traveler's load.
And for the hours of rest
that come between,
an inward joy of all things
heard and seen.

-- H. Van Dyke.

Let it be so.

1 comment:

allyvertigan said...

A mere echo of the impact you have on lives, love. That's also a beautiful poem.