Friday, October 29, 2010


It's moments like these when I realize and understand that God does exist and is an active force in my life.
We were on our way home from work one night this week and decided to take the bus instead of the train thinking that rush hour was mostly over and it may be faster. As the bus ride progressed I began to realize that the bus ride is taking a lot longer than planned. Thoughts rushed through my head: "we should have taken then train. This is taking forever. It's crowded and loud. I'm really tired and just want to be at home. Why did i decide to do this? Gah, that was stupid. We would have been better off on the train." Then, a seat opened up next to a middle-aged African American woman towards the front of the bus. I sat down next to her having no idea what was about to ensue.

She started playing the ringtones on her phone at a high volume. Then she noticed the Hispanic toddler sitting on his dad's lap across the way turn to look at her. She held her phone closer to him and started singing along. I could hardly understand the song... beat, yes. lyrics, no. She played the same ringtone about four times for him. He seemed less than enthused. Then she brought it back to her right ear which, on a bus, is not far from my left ear. For roughly 15 minutes we bounced and nodded and hummed and sang to about 6 different ringtones on her phone. I said to her, "I wish I knew the lyrics! I would totally sing along!" She didn't even take a breath to listen! She just kept being her joyful self and continued singing along.

"Now approaching Vermont and Olympic." It was my time to get off the bus. So I rose to head to the door, turned to her and said, "Thank you. You made my day." She asked me my name, I told her, and she said, "My name's Sandy. It's lovely meeting you. God Bless. Have a good night!" "You too Sandy!" And off I went.
God surprises me all the time.
Another moment that only proves to me that God exists in people.

Last week I took Thursday and Friday off of work. Monday when Dave and I get to the bus, we get on and the bus driver (who we tend to see more frequently than others) says, "You're back!!" Dave turned around and said, "She noticed you were gone."

Seriously, LA Metro drivers have awful jobs, as far as I can tell, and yet this bus driver payed enough attention to notice I was missing for a couple days.
The ways in which I feel loved are sometimes the least expected.