Tuesday, March 15, 2011

[Gospel truths from a homeless kid]

[I walk onto the patio to encounter a client sitting on the ground with a book in his lap, eating fruit snacks.]
me: Oh you're reading 'The Key to a Successful Life', that sounds promising.
client: what do you mean?
me: I mean, it sounds like if you want a successful life you have to read the book.
client: Naw... that's for douchebags.
me: Why's that?
client: Because people that are successful... people that have money... they're all mad and shit.
me: What do you mean?
client: People with lots of money have problems man... I'm poor and I'm happy everyday! More money means more things to worry about.
This is Gospel... Scripture... Truth... from the mouth of a homeless kid. Just the way Jesus likes it.


allyvertigan said...

amen <3

Devin Ashley said...

wow. that's amazing to me. (in a good way :))