Sunday, May 1, 2011

[naivety and the news]

Well, how's that for some news?

People's Facebook statuses have come alive at this news.

"stars and stripes forever"
"I don't really care for our president but that was a damn good speech."
"Osamas Dead."
"Ding dong the witch is dead?"
"Continue to pray for our courageous troops."

No matter how you look at it, it is what it is. Will there be a retaliation from Al-Qaeda? I hope not... But no one can say for sure.

and in the words of my friend Ally,
"May this be the last death in the war on terror..."

and in the words of Pastor Tom Ryberg,
"I naively hope and pray that bin Laden's death today will somehow result in less death and suffering from here on."

and in an effort to meld the two, here is a re-phrasing of something a current volunteer said at our last retreat:
"I pray that I remain naive enough to think that [this] will change the world."

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