Thursday, September 29, 2011

.inclusion and integration.

In the bookRevelations: Latin American Wisdom for Every Day, today, tomorrow and Saturday's quotes  find resonance together. They raise the necessity for the weaving together of culture and relationship in all of humanity.

"Integration has never happened through self-interest and money, but through the thread of culture, through that dense tissue of strands joined together by shared values." --Federico Mayor

"We are Indian, black, European, but above all mixed, "mestizo." We are Iberian and Greek, Roman and Jewish, Arab, Gothic, and Gypsy. Spain and the New World are centers where multiple cultures meet-- centers of incorporation, not of exclusion. When we exclude, we betray ourselves. When we include, we find ourselves." Carlos Fuentes (bold addition is mine)

"The divine is in the human." Jose Marti

**(props to Leah and David for bestowing this incredible gift to me a few years ago)

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