Monday, October 15, 2012

.stillness and sunsets.[[original poem]]

I wonder what would happen if we stopped.

Don't you? Don't you ever wonder?
What if we just stopped?
And i don't mean stopping,
dead in our tracks for a split second,
(like we often do at the sight of something unfamiliar).
I mean really stopped.
All movement put on hold.

Except for breathing.
Breathing is essential.

Imagine this:
All the peoples of the world
stopping; putting down
weapons and smartphones,
fear and ignorance.
Gathering on rooftops and mountains and beaches
just to watch the sunset.
And to stop.
They are the same thing, you know,
stillness and sunsets.
Nothing can cure the soul more.

Someone once told me,
"If you don't stop to look around,
you might miss something."

There are a lot of broken souls in this world of ours.
This same world in which the sun
rises in the morning and
sets in the evening.

What if for just thirty minutes
everyday, everyone, everywhere
stopped, stayed still, and
watched the sunset.

What then might the Kin-dom of God look like?

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