Thursday, January 24, 2008

So you had a bad day...

Do you ever have one of those days where it feels it would just be better to give up?

To give up and crawl in a hole and never come out?

To crawl in a hole, cry until you're sitting in a puddle?

That would be the latter half of my day today.

Let me explain.

FIRST, I had a meeting with the director of hte ministry ctr. here at school. I mean it was good. There was nothing "bad" about it but he asked questions and I couldn't answer them. I hate that. He wanted ideas as to how to improve the center or bring more diversity to it. Well, I don't have answers to those. I came here for the Niebuhr Center, so obviously I think it's fantastic. So, all I told him was that no one knows about it. But I LOVE the NC so, I don't know how to improve it yet.

Then, I was scheduled to hang out with some AMAZING UCC people from campus and we were going to go to dinner and chat. Well, it was fro m 5-7 and then I had class at 6. So I thought I'll just go hang out for 45 mins and then leave. Well, we left CAMPUS at 5 20. Caught a train. Went around the block and by the time we got there, 5:40. Great. So I ate a few chips, drank some water and drove back. Left around 5:55. Train. Fantastic. So now I'm 15 mins late for class.

Then for class.... We got last weeks papers back....

My professor told me I was completely wrong in my paper I wrote for my Movies and God class. There were three of us. He told us we were all wrong. flat. out. wrong. When we watched Passion of the Christ I didn't understand the role of Satan. And then, I didnt really feel it was necessary. I said I could have gotten the same thing out of the movie without the satan figure appearing. Well, I wrote that in my paper and apparently, according to Dr. Das, Satan frames the movie... and I was flat. out. wrong. I can't have my own opinion. What, did he talk to Mel Gibson and ask him about it? He wouldn't tell us what role satan played. He just sat back and let us talk. and then told us we were completely wrong. What kind of grading is that?

And then, of course, my faith journey notebook which has a really cool cover/back... yea the binding completely split from the paper. I dont really know how to fix that....

This wasn't meant to complain. I just hate when so many little things happen in a single day...

Why can't I be more positive and less cynical?

On the bright side I was offered the position of Co-Director of Missions for Spiritual Life Council on campus. That's the one good thing that happened today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang. that day sounds horrible. I know exactly how you feel though... I want to cry and drown myself in the tears. honestly. I can't believe your teacher said that. I would be so upset. I'm actually hiding in my room (I have been the past few days) only coming out for class/food. So sorry if I haven't been picking up your calls or anything. I don't know why I feel I need to seclude myself but I'm in that process right now. I'm extremely happy that you got that position though YEY! and you know what... we can't all be perfect happy christians all the time. Being cynical is a part of who you are, there needs to be control on it, but it doesn't make you any less of a good person. I miss you, I heart you, and I want you here right now to sit and be sad/frustrated with me.