Saturday, January 12, 2008

Praise God

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God for all that love has done,
Creator, Christ, and Spirit One.

I rarely really THINK about the words to the songs I love. This is a prime example. Short and sweet, but full of love and thanks. It's one of those little things that make you happy. Thank God for those.

For the moments that brighten your day.

For the moments when it seems like everything is ok. (Whether it is or not.)

For the moments when you seem to get along with everyone.

For the moments in which you realize all you have to do is your best.

Realizing that your best is all that matters.

The times when you realize this world sucks, but you are doing things to make it better.

The unexpected moments when you meet someone and realize there are good people in this world.

When you realize that Love does Win. Always.

That moment in the day... or maybe not even every day... when even after you've doubted your faith, or whatever you believe in, that it's still there, holding you up.

That is what brings light to my day. Knowing that I can doubt so much, but in the end it is what holds me up, keeps me going, propels me in the right direction. That's all that matters.


Is it okay knowing that I can doubt my faith SO much but then just keep going like i never did? I mean, i recognize that I doubt and question. That's what makes faith, faith. It IS what propels me deeper into it and keeps pushing me. I know in the end that I believe... after all, that's what I want to do for the rest of my life being in ministry and all...

I love that sound... The sound of "I'm going into ministry." It has such a good ring, doesn't it?

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