Tuesday, August 24, 2010

[my love]

maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and maybe I'm making early assumptions... but God's call is God's call, right?
I had a conversation with the Committee on Ministry of the SW Assoc. of the Michigan Conference of the UCC (phew, that's a mouthful) last December and they had asked questions of me and my year of service including: What happens if you get to the end of the year and don't want to go to seminary anymore? Will you follow that? Will you recognize it?
That hit me like a ton of bricks. I got concerned and I opened myself up to God's call on my life. I thought that yea, maybe I would recognize it. I hoped that I would follow it, even though it wouldn't be what my heart had been set on for six years. But perhaps something new would arise in me.
It hasn't.
Don't get me wrong--I love the work that I'm doing here at MFP. Absolutely love it. But it isn't where my passions lie. I miss talking about the church... I miss having the deep theological conversations. I miss being in that environment. I love working for the [wider] church. And I know my work now is benefiting people all the same, but it isn't the same. I have to sneak on my computer at work in the morning just to read my Inward/Outward or Sojourners or Still Speaking Devotional. It's frustrating. And here at MFP, I can't even talk about my faith with the youth because we're not a religious organization... which is actually why I chose this place (which means I guess I can't complain). But I'm not trying to complain. I'm just recognizing and responding to God's call. I loved being at church on Sunday and singing NCH 391 by heart. I love blogging about theology and faith. I love talking with people about their spirituality and their relationship with God.
[deep breath]
I suppose this all means that this year, I need to be finding myself ways to do all these things outside the workplace.
It is certainly the road less traveled by... and I guess we'll see where it leads, with God's help, of course.


John Vertigan said...

At the end of a monastery visit once that was exceedlingly peacefilled, I asked Brother how I could carry that back to the world where I live. He said, "You can't. You have to find God and church and community wherever it is you are walking, and there you will have peace." I've taken that to heart for some 20 years ... sounds like you are discovering it, too. cheers.

Flo said...

You make me a better person. Your ministry works here with me.

allyvertigan said...

"I loved being at church on Sunday and singing NCH 391 by heart."

home is where the heart is, but that doesn't mean you can't find comfort elsewhere. I'm so glad you're experiencing both.