Thursday, April 10, 2008


Here's the Verse and Voice of the day from Sojourner's Magazine online (

Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem,look around and take note!Search its squares and seeif you can find one person who acts justly and seeks truth--so that I may pardon Jerusalem.
- Jeremiah 5:1-1

Those who have created the evil are those who have made possible the hideous social injustice our people live in. Thus, the poor have shown the church the true way to go. A church that does not join the poor in order to speak out from the side of the poor against the injustices committed against them is not the true church of Jesus Christ.- Oscar A. Romero The Violence of Love

I love the voice... but the verse is what is making me ponder... what does that mean, just one person can free jeruslem? ALL of Jerusalem... How is that possible? What does that mean for us today??

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