Wednesday, February 4, 2009

+== Come and Go==+

I'm no good at poetry, but here's something that is on my mind that I had to get down on paper. Here goes nothing....

and Go
and Go
As so oft they do
My support
My strength
My life
They say there's a season for everything
And I suppose there is.
Each one like Autumn.
Always sad to see it go.

and Go
and Go
Two roads converge
Only to divide
By a fork
A calling
An end to what was.
But theres always an end
And with an end comes a beginning
Another chapter in life.

and Go
and Go
The anger
The frustration
Which comes with the end
Where is the hope?
Why can't it be found?
It's there, I know
Hidden, though it is
Beneath the rubble of loss.

and Go
and Go
I want you to know
You inspire me
You always have
And you will be missed
But I have found my hope
Beyond the fork
In the bleak midwinter
In the depths of my heart


Jennifer said...

I like it. A lot. Well done.

passionatesole said...

Thanks... I was a little nervous about putting it up... but thanks.