Saturday, February 28, 2009

~Finding God::3~

Finding God without Church

This almost seems like a foreign concept to me. I literally have not missed more than 4 Sundays in the past few years. If I have it was because I was traveling or was in a situation where I just couldn't get to church. For most people this may seem to have become simply habit. However, I really enjoy the feeling of fellowship, of being in a faith community. There is something to it that I love and can't put into words. Now that I'm in New Zealand, I'm challenged to find God without going to church every Sunday. This morning I was going to take the bus to an Anglican Church, but couldn't figure out how to make it work, plus it is just not a good idea to travel alone in general. So as I sit here writing to you all, and listening to Taize music, I find myself struggling to find ways to remain connected to the Spirit. I journal like a mad woman, love my taize music, have beautiful scenery and can reflect... but I feel like there's something I get on Sunday mornings that can't be filled without that faith community. I will admit I haven't gotten over to see the chaplain yet, and there are groups on campus that do Bible Studies (but with names like "Christian Club" and "Student Life" I get nervous), and I'm pretty sure we have a weekly service, it's just a matter of seeking these things out. Because you find a lot of non-religious people here, there aren't churches on every corner, unlike in Elmhurst or Battle Creek. It just isn't a priority. Since I've been here I have found an Anglican, a Baptist, and a Catholic church. Anglican is my best bet, if I'm going to try. But I feel like maybe this challenge isn't supposed to be solved. Perhaps I really am supposed to find ways to seek God without a structured service once a week.

But how?

I don't know. This is going to have to be a continuous process with trying different things and learning from the successes and not-so-much-successes (because you can't relly fail at something like this). So maybe this is what Finding God is going to be about... not trying to find God in the sights and sounds of New Zealand, but in the attempt to work around not having a church service to keep me sane every week.

In recent reflections of learning how to be still, how to rest in the goodness of God, and all these other things, i found two phrases that may be helpful...

1) Rediscover simple being
2) Remember that I am created

In doing both of these, I think I could find God... :] it's just a matter of figuring out how to do these things.

Suggestions are more than welcome!

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