Tuesday, March 31, 2009

~Finding God::10~

I went to Student Life tonight. First time in a while and I did it reluctuantly...

I had a really hard time sitting through it. We spent the whole time talking about light. And we got off on this tangent about spreading our light (which was brought up by me-- the whole city on a hill cannot be hid metaphor) and they started talking about evangelizing and actions. Was one better than the other? Are we called to just one of them? Are they mutually exclusive? And I heard over and over comments about people not getting into heaven because they never heard the gospel. If we only show them and never tell them, it won't be enough. People had different viewpoints but it all kind of surrounded these same ideas. I find it uncomfortable only because my ideas won't be accepted. When someone mentioned that a Muslim lady she met last winter, despite the fact that she was lovely and wonderful, will be going to hell because she doesn't belive in the one true way, like Jesus told us--- I wanted to yell... But they all nodded in agreement. i don't want to go to cause a ruckus. I want to challenge, but my ideas are so different from the other 6 people there that I feel like it would be not welcomed. It isn't that I'm afraid to try... and I think it is important for me to be able to speak up against that... but I fought it at Cornerstone and I just don't feel like fighting it while I'm here. Because it is fighting. I stick true to what I believe, but when you're the only one in a group that believes it, I see it as though it just isn't the place for me if I'm not going to grow from the conversation....

So i'm left wondering... do I go even though I disagree greatly? Or do I stay back and work on homework like I feel I should have tonight? It's hard when I'm yearning for community and have yet to find it... I wan't to go to have that, but I feel like it will become a burden, rather than a blessing.


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