Friday, July 8, 2011


Here's an article I wrote for/about my current church community in Los Angeles, Mount Hollywood Congregational Church. It tells you a lot about them... I'm only sorry you cannot experience this church in the way I have... Read on:
I can't believe it's already JULY! I have been here in Los Angeles for 11 months now, and while it feels like I've lived here forever, it has also flown by in an instant. My time here has been filled with work and play, experiences and relationships, good times and sad times. And now, while I am anticipating the start of my Masters of Divinity program, I am sad because it means I am leaving not only my job and my Jesuit Volunteer community, but I am leaving you all. To think that I will no longer be sitting at the back running the soundboard, or helping to plan confirmation activities, or walking up and down the aisle collecting offerings makes me profoundly sad. It has been a privilege and an honor to get to know you all. You are an incredibly compassionate, convicted, loving, hospitable, and brilliant congregation. You all LIVE the questions, LAUGH a lot, and PRAY for each other. That is beautiful.

Thank you for letting me in to your lives in all the various ways you have. Thank you for allowing me to be a confirmation mentor. Thank you for trusting me to help lead small groups and worship. Thank you for your support in my current and future journey(s). Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for lovin' on me. And most of all, thank you for letting me be a part of your vibrant and loving community. I promise to come back whenever I get a chance! Below is my email address… I love emails! (If you want any other contact info, email me and I can give that out too!)

Following this you will find a poem I wrote about Los Angeles and it’s role in my life this year. Because I still have time left here and revelation yet to discover (in hindsight, most likely) it may be a work in progress for years to come... but here it is, raw and spacious-- leaving room for more... which is all life is anyway....

Peace, Love, and Strength for the journey,

Emily Labrecque


It will have been
358 days
since that first day I arrived

(scared out of my mind for the unknown)

in this city
this jungle gym of concrete

that has me tumbling and stumbling

all along the way

it has taught me how to dig
through the mire
simultaneously reaching inward
searching for what (I didn’t know)
that which has been revealed to me
by the Beloved.

It has re-birthed me
into a passionate place
of love and kindness
for persons and ideologies.

It has given me space to explore

in and around

injustices and the harsh realities of life itself
bringing me down off my pedestal.
Claiming youth and naivete was
a trick I had played
thinking that I knew
all there was to know
about people and

I was so wrong.

This city has taken me to the trenches
and torn me apart
piece by piece
and limb
as it tried to tell me that pain is real
and life is hard
and (genuine) love can heal all.

This city will forever remain a part of my heart
no matter how much I try to condemn it
for it has allowed me to live and work and play...
which has also allowed me to
be crushed; then lifted up again
be broken; then put back together
be silenced; then slowly regain my voice.

It took 358 days
to get me where I am
a fraction farther than
where I started.

So I bow to the Beloved
because each of those days
and every single moment
caused me to come alive
over and over again

in this city.

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