Thursday, February 25, 2010

+Lent2010: Be Not Afraid+

"The Lord is my light... whom shall I fear?" --Psalm 27
I got my JVC options today. I get to interview with my 2nd and 8th choices. While I was hoping for my first or third, these will do. Now, this is really stretching it, but, here's my connection to Lent.
I bet Jesus was bummed when he realized he was going to have to die to save humanity.
I was bummed for a little while, but I'm not dying! I keep telling myself... Whatever happens, happens. It is what God wants and it's going to be great, challenging and amazing no matter what. I'm getting there. Let's hope I'm going to Hollywood! But if I'm going to Hartford, well, then, that will be fantastic too. I want to do JVC more than anything else right now. With that said, I have to go wherever I get accepted. "Here I am Lord, send me."
I need not fear the future and the ambiguity that comes with it. "... whom shall I fear?" I don't need to fear my placement or the stuff that will happen during the year... growth comes from discomfort. I can do this. It will be awesome and life-changing.
Bring it on.

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