Monday, February 22, 2010

+Lent2010: Relationship with God+

So I started blogging about something only to realize I was contradicting myself and running in circles… and those kinds of blogs are the loathsome ones. So here we are with something entirely different.


In the book we’re currently reading for my theology capstone (David Kelsey’s Eccentric Existence: A theological anthropology), he asks about the relationship of us to God. He asks: “How is it that human beings relate to God?” This gets me thinking… while Kelsey discusses this in theological terms, I think about it in faithful terms. (Faith is something that often gets lost in the academia of college.) What does it mean for me to be faithful to God? I mean, for those of you who know me well, social justice is a major part of my life but I can’t just do works. James’ letter in the NT says something about faith without works is dead… but what about works without faith? I mean, I trust that God exists and when it comes down to it faith and trust are the same word in biblical terms. But how do I show my devotion to God?


Ok, so I pray whenever I go to bed… rarely otherwise. I go to church on Sunday. I try to make systemic change happen on behalf of Christ. But what else? My relationship with God is not so hot these days. That is my hope for this lent… that by doing these blog entries I find myself connecting with God on a deeper level. I have lost my time to journal… and so I figure baby steps. When overwhelmed with something major, Anne Lamott always says, “Bird by bird… just take it bird by bird.” So, start with blogging, maybe it will turn into journaling, and then who knows what. I do love processing though and I don’t do enough of it… at all. I miss it.


So here’s to Lent.

1 comment:

msu_ponderer said...

i think the acts without faith question is also the answer to how God is able to find a way into peoples' lives. that great feeling that good service yields can only be God, right?
and what makes journaling better than blogging!? come on now =] this gets responses and such