Saturday, April 17, 2010

---Hiatus pt. 2---

Leah is here and I've been spending some amazing time with her, so I am not going to get to John Bell today. Maybe I will get around to it this afternoon, but for now, I'm not going to plan on it.
But, here is my favorite part of an excerpt from an article on the Sabbath from the "On Faith" section of the Washington Post:
"...We shouldn't run scared from the ecclesiastical associations that cling to the Sabbath like earth to roots. Religion is the source of most forms of transcendence in our mostly very mundane lives, whether or not we now pray or believe. Religion has given us storytelling, poetry, music, art, and theater; it has occasioned the founding of universities; it has been responsible for great advances in architecture. There's no reason not to let religion lend us one of its most powerful social ideas--the Sabbath--as well."
I think we often forget the importance religion has in our lives.. I use "our" very broadly. It has influenced people's lives in some way whether they're religious or secular... and it may be conscious or subconscious. Either way, we forget. And I think this is really well said. Taking up sabbath could be revolutionary for our technologically-dependent world.
That article can be found here:

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