Thursday, April 1, 2010

+Lent2010: Sh#%+

So in high school, I quit swearing cold turkey... mostly because I was hanging out with someone who didn't and so I felt awful saying things around her. AND because I knew that if I said any kind of swear word in front of my parents, I would be toast. So I quit.
And I'm thinking of doing it again.
Here are reasons why:
1. It just sounds bad.
2. I have to watch how I talk in front of others.
3. You get to make up more awesome words to replace all the 4 lettered ones.
4. When I'm a pastor, it really won't be appropriate.
5. It will make conversation more colorful when I come up with those other words.
6. I always feel bad when I say it anyway.
7. This even includes "Oh my God..." because when I say that, I don't really know what I mean... so I might as well say "Golly-gee-willikers" or "oh my gosh"... i mean, honestly.
8. I don't necessarily like it when other people say it so I figure I better not be someone I don't like.
I think that's all. I'm going to slowly work on it.
In other news, here's a seminary update...
Eden- No
Andover Newton-No
Pittsburgh- No
Chicago- No
Iliff (denver)
Pacific (Berkeley)
United (Twin Cities)
Lancaster (Pennsylvania)
Iliff and Lancaster I still need to visit
United makes me nervous because to get scholarship I would have to take the GRE... and thats a no go.
PSR was just added to my list... I have no reason not to, and after looking at their website, I got excited.
I will probably visit Lancaster in June, Iliff on my way to L.A., and PSR during this fall while I'm in CA. United will probably be visited this spring... sometime... SOON... holy cow! It's already April. wow. Well, we'll see.
Lots to think about and discern.

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