So often youth/young adults are pushed to the side because if they aren't going into ministry, they don't have much to offer. Well, those people are wrong. It is refreshing. As I am caught up in the ministry crowd at school, it is good to see young adults willing to make worship happen, even when they aren't planning on going into ministry. Tonight we saw two of our college/post college students drumline-it-up between scripture and reflections. There were several others who spoke at some point and at some length. Most of these young adults have rarely participated in services before. Most likely it is in part happening because we have an awesome new associate pastor whose goal is to draw the 20-40 crowd to church. But besides that, they are still willing.
And they weren't just willing, they were amazing. They didn't have to participate just because our new pastor wanted them to... they did it because they found it intriguing and they came up with awesome ideas for songs and the ritual action and the message... It was incredible.
It was particularly refreshing after the bland service I went to at Andover-Newton (it was a UU service, but I'm not blaming anyone... it just wasn't up my alley...). I love Awestruck... I wish we could make Illuminae that moving... Illuminae needs something else and I can't figure out what it is.
Maybe we need to empower... empower students who have various gifts and encourage them to use them. Perhaps they just need some motivation. Maybe they just need someone to believe in them, to push them, to trust them.
I think we have so many issues because youth are raised in environments in which they are told they can never succeed and they are scum of the earth... but I am, and we all should be, here to tell them that they too are sons and daughters of God and deserve every bit of support and help as every other child of God.
So this has turned into more than I was planning... but anyway... Young adults have power beyond their imagination... I wish they, and especially others, would realize it, embrace it, and encourage it. We all have different gifts for a reason.