Monday, March 8, 2010

+Lent2010: Judgment... on yourself?+

From Romans 2---Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself.
So, the amazing Lillian Daniel wrote the stillspeaking devotional for today and she talked about how in her house no one can offer suggestions or discuss what everyone else is giving up for lent. This is fair. She says its because they each pass judgment on each other based on their ideas for fasting.
But, what if you are the one passing judgment on yourself in the first place?
Let me give you context. I have forgotten a couple times (fortunately on Sundays-the little Easters) that I am supposed to be doing this everyday. Where's the line between a goal and a burden? Not that I don't enjoy doing this, but I judge myself every time I forget to do it. For example, I literally almost got into bed about 10 minutes ago and then realized that I had forgotten... "Ugh... shoot. I can't NOT do it... it's my lenten... thing!" Hm. So what does that mean?
Well, I haven't had someone judge my lenten additions. However, I find myself questioning the purpose... I have kept up with my daily meditation and am finding it really helpful. It may even become habit! (Although I sometimes remember to do that last minute too.) I feel like I should be able to manage so many things: homework, meditation, prayer, blogging, extracurriculars, exercise, eating right, meetings, time for myself. That's a lot. Not to mention the burdens of my heart... the concerns of my friends and family... the health of some friends and family members... what is one to do?
Well, hold on. Can you actually judge yourself? Now that I'm thinking about this I'm wondering... what constitutes a judgment? Criticism. Yup, you can judge yourself. Well what does that do for the scripture verse from Romans? It's obviously not a vice-versa situation... I suppose I just need to keep to my lenten goals. It's part of the process, right?

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